Five stabbed in my neighborhood is news

But six shot in Harlem isn’t. Interesting.

New York Post

Daily News

And a paragraph in the New York Times.

And I swear, I have an alibi! And I don’t have a car.

15 thoughts on “Five stabbed in my neighborhood is news

  1. I find the analogy between knives and guns so weird. Sure, it takes people to kill people. But given the fact that there was an attack, it is so much better for me, personally, living in this neighborhood, that the attack happened with knives instead of guns!

    Frankly, if two groups of assholes want to rumble, I don’t really care. I’ve never heard of a “stray knife” hitting a kid or landing in the house of an innocent bystander. Maybe we should give out knives to violent assholes, simply in the hope that they don’t use guns!

    Besides, for somebody like you, having a gun is not a guaranteed defense against another gun. Having a gun is a great defense against a knife.

  2. Here are two stories from various papers today. Just today. This is my my point:,0,1759495.story

  3. It’s really a bummer that people get killed. But, it’s other people doing the killing. You don’t blame the car for a DUI death, do you?

  4. We should actually be punishing the criminals rather than letting them out of jail, like the cop killers in PA.

  5. I still don’t understand who, “people like [me] are”…

    People who enjoy our freedoms?

    People who fear government oppression?

    People who understand for the need for the right to self defense?

  6. Actually, I do blame the car for the DUI. It bothers me, being a fan of drinking but not having a car, when people attack drinking instead of attacking the weapon. Cars kill! Hands off my beer!

    I read about the killer in PA. Thinking about posting about it. I think you’re combining two separate issues: punishment and letting someone out of jail.

    The problem is we’ve got 2 million people locked up. They’re almost all going to get out. And most of them will commit crimes again and end up back behind bars.

    But no, I don’t think all prisoners should be granted life sentences. Maybe we need to rethink our notion of punishment. Bring back flogging or something…

  7. I see. WEll, your other ideas, that I fully agree with, would relieve some of the pressure of overcrowding in jail. I don’t think letting murderers or other violent criminals out early is the way to deal with overcrowded jails.

  8. Sorry to be off-topic, but when is Cop in the Hood going to be available for the Kindle? Thanks

  9. Buying my book is always on topic!
    It is available in Kindle. Oh, wait. I see. They have a web page but you can’t buy it yet. Hmmm, I’ll send an email to my publisher and see… Thanks for asking.

  10. The Kindle word is:
    “I’ve given our contact a nudge and will let you know if he can promise a specific time. Since they’re rolling in our books in batches, my guess is it should be live by November 1 (but unfortunately, I can’t swear to it!).”

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