Flogging Gains Steam

There’s a bill to bring back corporal punishment(seemingly in lieu of incarceration) in Montana. It ain’t gonna happen, but still…

Speaking of which, did I mention — gosh, no, I didn’t think I did — that In Defense of Flogging is out in paperback? Already? Where does time go? You might be thinking, “So light. So tidy. So cheap. Such a pretty orange cover. It actually fits in my pocket!”

So why don’t you go and buy a copy? It got rave reviews, and yet you didn’t buy it. Because you were waiting for the paperback. So now is your chance!

It’s only $12.59!

2 thoughts on “Flogging Gains Steam

  1. " It got rave reviews, and yet you didn't buy it. Because you were waiting for the paperback."

    Not me. I can see my hardcover copy on the bookshelf from where I'm sitting. Highly recommended.

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