I won’t rub it in to all my Republican friends, but the real America has spoken (and just once, for the record, I did tell you so).

While it may not be related to the Cubs, yet again, not winning the World Series, it does give me very good reason to fly the Cubs ‘W’ flag of victory from my front porch. Here’s to America and what is for very good reason, the envy of much of the world: a democratic and peaceful transition of power.

And if you’re still feeling shitty (I remember how I felt 4 and 8 years ago), there’s always The Onion and this Onionstory,too.

22 thoughts on “OBAMA!

  1. Great night for the U.S.. Great night for Illinois. A black man has been elected by a majority of voters. You must appreciate progress when it appears. A constitutional scholar and liberal intellectual is taking the helm to replace, well, you know who. A great night indeed.

    But, our skepticism must remain intact. President-elect Obama, what will you do to about drug policy. Here’s a hint from one of you constituents: Get the feds out of the way. Congrats Barrack! Peoria is raising a pint in your honor!

  2. CONGRATS, LIBERAL SCUM! Just kidding.

    “Ask not what you can do for your country….but what your country can do for you!” – BO

    Now, if he stays away from guns and kills the war on drugs….I might only call him a commie instead of commie scum.

  3. I accept your gracious congratulatory statement, DJK. I will now go back to humming the internationale, comrade (I’m also just kidding).

  4. Check this out.
    thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/z?c110:H.R.1022: This is the newer AWB that they tried passing through, and the one that they will pass under Obama.

    This is the scariest line of it.

    A semiautomatic rifle or shotgun originally designed for military or law enforcement use, or a firearm based on the design of such a firearm, that is not particularly suitable for sporting purposes, as determined by the Attorney General. In making the determination, there shall be a rebuttable presumption that a firearm procured for use by the United States military or any Federal law enforcement agency is not particularly suitable for sporting purposes, and a firearm shall not be determined to be particularly suitable for sporting purposes solely because the firearm is suitable for use in a sporting event.’.

  5. After we’re done steeling all the nation’s wealth, after we outlaw private property and implement a maximum tax rate of 100% (starting at incomes above $35,000/year), after we give Florida to Cuba, reeducate doctors, and have lawyers give you physicals, well… I think we’ll have just enough time to take away guns and turn your children gay.

    “So comrades, come rally–And the last fight let us face–The Internationale unites the human race.”

  6. That’s funny! A bunch of fanatical bullshit in response to a real bill that’s been proposed.

    Μολὼν λαβέ!

  7. Actually my post was in response to the previous one, about the bread line for our rations.

    About the gun bill, I don’t know. It doesn’t bother me. I certainly don’t find it scary.

    Either way, you’ll be happy to know that today’s papers report that gun sales are way up. Especially guns with large ammo clips.

  8. You’re the second liberal who has tried to pass the “gun sales are up” thing off as though it’s in excited anticipation of an Obama Administration….

    It’s actually totally driven by a fear of an Obama administration.

  9. What kind of dumb-ass liberal would think that increased gun sales are pat of excited anticipation of an Obama Administration?

    Liberals don’t buy guns when they’re excited.

    Gun sales are up because conservative God-fearing patriotic Americans (with irrational fear) are arming themselves for the impending civil war/revolution and the day the New World Order and jack-booted thugs come and try and take away their guns.

    Perhaps some even believe it is all Written.

    Vaguely related to that last point, I wonder about those who were praying hard for a McCain/Palin victory (including Ms. Palin herself). Do they now think that Obama’s victory was God’s will?

    Or do they blame themselves for not praying hard enough?

  10. No, we’re just afraid that Obama will allow all sorts of firearms to be outlawed or taxed into obscurity.

    I don’t know about the praying folk…I’m not one of them, but that’s probably painting with a pretty broad stroke.

  11. “What kind of dumb-ass liberal would think that increased gun sales are pat of excited anticipation of an Obama Administration?”

    I don’t think they think that….I think they wanted me to think that…like we’re all some sort of dumbasses or something.

  12. Maybe they were just joking. Cracking wise, as it is. And it is kind of a funny claim, being so absurd!

    Reminds me of when Iraqis started looting and destroying Baghdad and our administration spun that as a form of celebration of their freedom. Except the administration said that with a straight face.

  13. And don’t forget that you have a conservative Supreme Court currently on your side with a pretty pro-individual-gun-ownership view of the 2nd Amendment.

    p.s. And that dog in your picture, that’s very sweet of you to offer it to the Obama girls, but I’m sure they’d like to pick out their own.

  14. “pretty pro-individual-gun-ownership view of the 2nd Amendment.”

    5-4? That’s barely passing…

    And…there’s a good chance that Obama could offset that and then overturn the ruling.

    Either way….times are uncertain…people are afraid. Seen the market? People are pulling their money out of the market in fear of a doubled capital gains tax.

  15. examiner.com/x-1417-Cleveland-Gun-Rights-Examiner~y2008m11d10-Youre-not-going-to-shoot-your-eye-out

    Check out the comments…

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