What’s your C.O.P. score?

You know, “Crimes prevented Over rePlacement.” (Or maybe just “C-POR.”) Like WAR, wins above replacement, but for cops.

The idea is to break crime down by beat/post and looking at it over time (a long time, like years). Wouldn’t it be nice to know if there actually was less crime on your post while you were policing. Of course would give incentive to under report crime. Still, it would be nice to know. And it’s not like we have anything better.

14 thoughts on “What’s your C.O.P. score?

  1. Neat idea. Would you look at all crime on the post during the examined period, or just the crime during the officers' shifts? I'd think the latter would be a fairer metric of officer performance, though that could get complicated (because of swing shifts, for example).

    Underreporting of crimes would be a problem, but really (to your point), are there any performance metrics for cops that don't create perverse incentives? I can't think of any.

  2. Can you write a new post on the tamir rice shooting? What do you think now that video has been shown and more info has been put out ? Or did you already do that and I'm just super lazy by not checking ?

  3. PCM hasn't even corrected the post where he states that a picture of Brown with drugs and money is real when the truth is that it was a fabrication created by a racist cop. No worry about laziness here unless its about how lazy PCM is in his knee-jerk, cop-loving, dickish defense of murders committed by cops.

  4. Love you too. Serious question: why are you leaving demonstrably false information on your blog without correcting it?

  5. I think it was a dead link. So, er, thanks for nothing.

    But honestly, regardless, sometimes I don't actually read all the comments. I just glance at them to make sure things maintain a baseline of civility (against other people, that is).

    Give me the link again and I'll happily follow it and correct, as appropriate.

  6. You're right. Here's a functioning link. I'm sorry for being such a jerk on your blog. I've been struggling with depression and low self esteem, and sometimes, as a result of my insecurities, I lash out at people for no good reason. I hope you can accept my apology.

  7. Actually, it wasn't a dead link. I just tested it. You are one lazy, racist a**hole who can't even be bothered to put the slightest effort into getting your facts right.

  8. Well, I'll be! (But the link really was dead when I first tried to cut and paste it.)

    Anyway, I'll correct the post. I'm a big fan of facts!

    Anyway, apology or not, I wish you well.

  9. Like a cop!!

    1. Get it wrong.
    2. Ignore people pointing out you are wrong.
    3. Ignore some more.
    4. Ignore some more until the damage is maximized (#1 google result).
    5. Get hit over the head with your wrongness.
    6. Ask someone else to do your job.
    7. Lie about the evidence ("the link is dead")
    8. Have some craven weenie who you trust point out you are wrong.
    9. Grudgingly, ungenerously do something to correct the mistake.
    10.Act like you were the one put upon.


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