A Whiff of Taser

From a reader: “So, following the memo to pick your targets carefully when employing the Taser, Taser invents a device to fire wildly into a crowd.”

5 thoughts on “A Whiff of Taser

  1. JL:
    Looks like TASER has scored another in the 10 ring with this!

    Makes me wonder why more departments do not use systems like LRAD, or active denial M/Ws, or even "dazzlers".

    Plenty of tech out there for the LEOs…just pick your "flavor".

    Good post.

  2. You remember that incident in Boston where the girl was killed by a pepperball that struck her in the head as police fired "less lethal" munitions wildly into a crowd of Red Sox fans?

    I see the future of this device…

  3. Give me a capable officer with conventional equipment over a TASER warrior any day.

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